estate planning

What can I expect at an initial consultation?

Consultations with a lawyer serve many purposes. It is an important way to learn more about the options for resolution available to you and lawyers have a statutory responsibility to advise you of those different process options. A consultation is also an opportunity to see if you will be a good fit to work together […]


Should I maintain separate bank accounts or have joint bank accounts with my partner?

This is often discussed and is a really a matter of personal preference. However, before making your choice, make sure you are informed with accurate information and think about your objectives in having separate or joint accounts. If partners wish to maintain financial independence from one another, for example, simply keeping accounts in sole names […]


Is a do-it-yourself Will valid? Does it need witnesses?

There seem to be two common types of do-it-yourself wills out there and both require the maker, or testator, to sign the document. The first is created using a will kit and contains a template. This one requires two witnesses to sign the will, in the testator’s presence, after the testator has signed it. The […]


Do spousal support obligations continue after the recipient dies?

If the Divorce Judgment or separation agreement provides for the termination of spousal support after the death of the recipient, then the spousal support may end. But where the spousal support agreement provides that payments are to a specified date, are unreviewable and enure to the benefit of one’s estate, then the payor may be […]


I would like to add one of my children to the title of my home as a joint tenant so that she receives it when I die. Is this a good idea?

There are at least 3 things you should think about. Consider that once you’ve done that, you can longer sell the home or borrow against the home without your daughter’s consent. This limits your independence.  Further, there may be an unintended tax consequence if your daughter already owns a primary residence. Finally you may be […]